Sunday, March 10, 2013

Old French Postcard + Spring Mailer

Working on our Spring mailer today. Found this great old French postcard dated 3/21/1913 that we are using for the front. Our recipe featured will be Strawberry Lemon Cream pie with our Stonewall Lemon curd for Easter. Message us if you would like to be on the mailing list!
Here is the back of the old postcard. Beautiful and perfect handwriting...Can you read what the postcard says to Meme?

"As good a translation I can come up with is:

Dear Meme,

The doctor told me yesterday that my problem was a hip problem and an ameliaration (infection?) It makes walking painful and I take small steps. He said I have no more infection. The hip is causing no more fever. We are continuing tincture of iodine with cotton and using stretch bandage, I will return in one month. I am happy to be here and can walk a few small steps, Darling Meme, I hope that you are always in perfect health and that you live forever in my life. Until we are reunited, Darling Meme, the most tender caresses and warmest kisses to this little girl. Friendship (Love) from Maman.

I can't guarantee each and every word, but this the gist. Been a long time!"