Here is our back porch after a good rain a couple of weeks ago it was so nice!
Worked on painting the deck this summer in the evening-it was built many years ago so the floor needs a good coat of stain every year. This color is blue spruce at Sherwin Williams. It's so nice to sit out here in the early mornings and drink coffee...Recognize this old bike? Wish it looked like it used to-Mom used to pedal to work and Bitsy her tiny yorkie would ride in the basket. Time has taken a tole on this good 'ol bike it was a good classic! Love how this photo turned out...
Gardening is coming to an end but I think we are all ready for some cool Fall weather....
Can't believe how massive these wisteria vines have grown! They are like elephant trunks wrapping themselves around everything. Love these turquoise gates setting them off...The sunset is going down the squirrels are tucked away in there little beds...One lives in the birdhouse on the post you often see his tail hanging out one of the holes!
Flagstone patio leading to the deck...
Looking out the back door-going to try to paint this fall and winter more of the blue spruce stain it really freshens things up!